namenlos = unnamed or nameless
so your song is unnamed...nice lol a very chilled out song i like it just the song i need right now. thanks
namenlos = unnamed or nameless
so your song is unnamed...nice lol a very chilled out song i like it just the song i need right now. thanks
haha yeah couldn't think of a name but didnt wanna call it unnamed, so i did it in another language, lol. Thanks for the review!
very nostalgic
it sounds like a song from mario 64 im not sure if thats what it is but whatever, but one thing use a limiter and you wont get as much distortion. mp3 can b alriht i usually publish it at 192 kb/s and i havnt had an issue with quality or loading ;)
Yeah, it's a remake of the song from Super Mario 64.
Thanks for the tip!
i think you went a bit hard on the cymbal there it kinda takes over when its playing, a few parts were distorted but nothing major, not a bad track
Thanks fr the feedback, I'll try your advice on the next song.
bloody incredible, was any of this loops?
No loops. All Hand crafted.
sweet deal
pretty sweet, some parts seemed a bit overcrowded for synths but everything jived pretty well, nice track. im in the middle of making a track simalr to this so i can only hope it turns out this well
Thanks, and good luck ;)
Beautiful song, extremly well done. very nice sound. a few times at the beggining it sounded like a buffering error but the rest of the song is incredible enough that any issues with it dissapear. keep it up
Hehe, Renoak and I had a debate of the intro. I have it where I bounced a loop of the strings I performed (basically no reverb tails on the end and a little blip of silence on the end between the loops). Renoak liked that effect and I wanted to do the full intro to get rid of the silence. Eventually we'll have both versions, but Renoak decided to upload this version XD.
That might be where you're hearing a little blip. Thanks so much for the review! We should have more coming soon.
EDIT(This is Renoak here, lol) Hey. ya that was my idea to keep the loop style... so i'll take the blame on this. I felt it gave like a stuck record playing, yet flowing feel... i feel it complimented the idea of Deja Vu. But ya, this is just one days worth of work here and the fully mixed and mastered version will be available on an album later. I think we'll probably go with a straight string through instead of the loop feel, cause i dont think people are getting my Later, thanks for the review!
great track, very smooth. My main question is where did you find how to use automation, because right now its useless to me lol. keep it up looking forward to your next track
glad you like it :D
about the automations... well i simply found it on youtube
the rest was yust a matter of testing things out (you can use them on almost anything even in the mixer)
finding how to use automations in VST not from FL original is a little harder to find but i know how
you should first look around on youtube (aint to hard to find)
if you cant seem to find it or undrerstand it yet you can PM me to ask me about it
i dont know much yet but some things like automation is not a problem anymore
have fun with automations! because when you know how how automations works you see that you can give much more effects then you think you could
good luck!!! if you cant seem to find a way to get them working, then you know where to find me
ps: paste "&fmt=18" without "" on the youtube video links to get high quality on all vids, makes tutorials easier to follow ;)
very nice, loved the various synths and your use of the strings. beautiful. now ive just got to work at getting my music up to this level :p
Thanks for the review! Keep practicing and you'll get better :D
pretty good
A bit repetitive but overall quite nice, loved the synths you used there. what program r u running? anyways good job.
FL Studio 8 XXL Producers Edition thanks for reviewing ^^
not bad
Not bad, the keyboard went on for a little long, and in my opinion you should have brought in the girls voice earlier on. sounds great when youve got both vocals going at once
Thanks for the review! It's a kind of keyboard solo extravaganza... I know, it's too much if you're not into this kind of thing...
Age 36, Male
Art institute
Joined on 3/16/03