ah its not bad but it sounds like you spent about 5 min making one riff and just copy and pasted nine hundred times and then made a few changes also it reminds me of like a cheezy mario song not bad but not great
ah its not bad but it sounds like you spent about 5 min making one riff and just copy and pasted nine hundred times and then made a few changes also it reminds me of like a cheezy mario song not bad but not great
very nice job i love the way you tied the melody and the bass together a skill thats getting all to rare. i did notice what o0oexploitable was talking about but it isnt really isnt anything major that interrupts the rythym and groove that this song creates. you only really notice it if you are basically writing a review any other time people will be to busy partying it up. great job
very nice job its a very original sound keep bringing stuff like this out and you will very quickly become one of the top artists around here. nice job
very nice song i like almost all of it the only thing that puts me off is that random...guy speaking? im not sure what it is but it ruins the beat for me otherwise great song keep em coming
i think that a good thing would be to calm down the volume on the...trash can hitting sound? its kind of overpowering and get some good synths in place of it put a sweet bassline in that flows with the melody but make sure that you dont just run the bass over the song and hope its good some people like it but its a better support than tune. right now youve got an alright song but a good rythym to it would make this song.
another epic song by g-R never fails to impress keep em coming
ok so to start i would like to say this track is epic very nice and now so you know this is what i got out of it the foriegn language comment "i respect you as a musician and want a remix(not sure)my father is very interested by the trance genre from my good friend g-r4ve" im pretty sure im wrong but that is what i got out of it i dont really speak anything but english so iu could be dead wrong but that was my try lol.
not really my bag of chips the bass didnt really have a smooth sound to it but im sure that there is someone out there going this is the best ever.
awesome track man even if you didnt make it longer but trimmed the dead space on the end and made it loop a little better it would improve on an already awesome track.
havn t heard a thing that you have m,ade that has left me dissapointed keep it up great song.
Age 36, Male
Art institute
Joined on 3/16/03